Friday, March 20, 2009


What do you get when you add one 6 year old boy and one china cabinet? 10 stitches. Ryan had a run in with the china cabinet on Monday. I'm not sure how it happened because, naturally, I was not in the room at the time. All I know is Ryan and Joshua were playing with toys and being boys. Somehow Ryan's nose met the corner of the cabinet. Ouch. He ran into our room where I was getting ready for the day, screaming "I need a band-aid." All I could see was an eye full of blood. I followed him into the bathroom where I wiped his face. Fortunately, his eye was not involved but he had a pretty nasty cut in his nose. I told him he was going to need a whole lot more than a band-aid this time!! I rushed him off to the hospital where they sedated him and got him sewn up in pretty quick order. What a day!

Of course, that's not all that happened on Monday morning. I woke up to the freezer door open because of a bag of ice and a full freezer from the shopping trip. The popsicles and ice cream never did recover. After that I discovered ants on the counter in the kitchen. Now, we might be cluttered but we are clean. I hate ants. I quickly washed the counter and made sure the dishes were put away, etc. What a day, what a day!

Ryan is back to thinking he is invincible. He missed school on Monday but was up and at 'em on Tuesday. I even found him walking on the back of the couch!!! I know he is just an active little boy but I swear he is bound and determined to give me gray hair before 40! The weather has not really allowed for the boys to be outside so I know Ryan especially has a lot of pent up energy. Fortunately it is starting to warm up.

On another note, Chris has had a week full of interviews with a start-up company located in Richardson, Texas. While moving back to Texas is not our first choice, we do like to eat and have a dry place to live. Chris has had a phone interview each day with prospective co-worker or supervisor. He is very excited about this company and what they are doing. He thinks it would be a good fit for him. We are hopeful it will work out. Did I forget to mention the best part? Most of the people with whom he has been interviewing have worked with him before. They know him and his work - that helps!

Not too much else for now. I'll try to get pics posted of Ryan and his scar soon. Right now I am enjoying the mellow-ness of having had a glass of wine. Somedays, that is nice.

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