Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It is only Tuesday and already we are having one of "those" weeks. I guess I really can't say that but the past couple of days have been...interesting. I'm sure the rest of the week will be better.

Sunday brought panic to our house. I'm not sure why they thought it was a good idea, but Zachary and Ryan spent some time wrestling. Ryan comes in screaming, "Zachary tore my stitches. Zachary tore my stitches." Yes, there was a fair amount of blood running down his nose. I wiped the blood and discovered that the stitches were still intact but the scab had come off. This time he did need a band-aid. I told both boys that it would probably be best to do something else besides wrestle.

Monday afternoon Ryan had his stitches removed. Ryan happily brought home an envelope with little stitches inside. The doctor said his nose looked fine and it should heal nicely. The doctor did say if Ryan re-injured his nose we would have to take him back for more stitches. I guess the wound wasn't totally healed but if the stitches weren't taken out skin would start to grow over them. Good to know. So I told Ryan to be careful. He is very anxious to see his scar.

I was not able to take Ryan to the doctor. I was at home with the latest bug to hit our house. This time...the stomach virus. Why is it that my kids can throw up once and be fine but I have to live on the toilet for at least 3 days?!? Joshua got sick last Thursday night at bedtime...and was fine Friday morning. Zachary threw up once Monday evening...and was fine at bedtime. I had a horrible day yesterday - all day. It's not fair, I tell you!! It's just not fair. Well, I can't complain too much because I am better today. Must be the 24 hour virus. That is definitely something to be thankful about!

Zachary started occupational therapy tonight. He did well. His therapist is wonderful. She specializes in sensory issues and that is where Zachary needs the most help. She actually explained WHY she chose certain activities and HOW they affect the brain. Zachary did not like waiting for us to finish talking. I was hoping that this first session would bring some calming to him but it seemed to have the opposite effect. He was very "active" at dinner.

Well, it looks like we are moving back to Texas. Chris learned on Monday that when this particular start-up receives the second round of funding, they will offer him a job. He is excited. He really wants to work with this group of people. He thinks he will be a good fit and enjoy his job. No one really wants to move back to Texas but we believe this is where God wants us right now. We can always visit Oregon. We can move back here, too, if it is what God wants for our family.

I just have a few little boy funnies I want to add:

Joshua, the pirate "Shiver me tenders."

Ryan, about his band-aid "My thumb is wearing a coat."

Zachary, all the time, about me "Mom, stop being such a chatterbox!"

Tomorrow is Zachary's last speech appointment. It is at 8 am so I better get to bed.

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