Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Still Learning, Too

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending a conference for parents and caregivers who have chosen to homeschool their special needs children. It was a wonderful experience. Not only did I learn a lot about adapting curriculum and school rooms, I met parents who were on this journey with me. I know the information I received will help me (and Chris, too) better help Zachary with his education and with his life in general. Just a few of the things I learned:

  • Children on the autism spectrum, even those like Zachary who are verbal, communicate better with pictures. Instead of using word lists I should make picture lists.
  • Allow extra time for movement and incorporate movement into academics.
  • I learned how to evaluate and modify curriculum to meet Zachary's specific needs. That was a HUGE help.
  • I learned ways to set up the school room so that Zachary would be able to concentrate and have his sensory needs met.
  • and the biggest "Well, duh. I should have known that!" moment was when they said it didn't matter what I liked about certain curriculum - it is all about the child. Yep, should have known that!
  • I learned that making time for my marriage and alone time for myself are extremely important.
Perhaps the best quality of this seminar (and believe me there were many) was that it was presented by Christian parents who had been there. And they still *are there.* There was a lot of talk about faith, prayer and scripture. I honestly don't see how anyone with a special needs child could get through without faith. And homeschooling that child/children? Hey, homeschooling in general can be rough. I am so thankful that I don't have to do it alone.

It is that time of year again in the Parrott household - curriculum choosing time!! It happens about this time every year, although each time I swear I will start earlier. For the 4th time in as many years I think I will change curriculum again. I don't think there were major problems with what we did last year but I wasn't happy with some aspects of certain subjects. Also, I like using one curriculum over bits and pieces. I have also decided that I really like the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education and I feel it meets the needs of my boys. I am leaning toward "My Father's World." I am hoping I wasn't dreaming when I saw it in the Mardel a couple of weeks ago because I'd love to look at it more closely. Plus, they are having a sale on Thursday.

I will keep you all updated on our journey of homeschooling Zachary. If you have a child with special needs and are interested in homeschooling OR if you already homeschool, please get in touch with me. I would love to chat with you about our journey and walk with you on yours.

I think this will be the verse for our school, The Learners' School:
"And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." Isaiah 54:13 (KJV)

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