Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fun Times with Dinosaurs

I just returned from being a dinosaur keeper for the Dinosaur Safari for all of the 4's classes at Ryan and Joshua's school. It was so much fun. I keep telling my husband that if I wasn't adamant about homeschooling right now I would be a preschool teacher. Most days it is easier for me to relate to 4 year olds than it is adults. Anyway, I sat next to Maiasaura, the Good Mother Lizard, and did a little talk about what she ate and how she took care of her babies. I think the parent volunteers enjoyed it just as much as the children. It made me sad, though, when one of the classes did not have any parent volunteers - not a one. I definitely won't be judgmental because I know how many families have to work, etc. It was just for an hour - I really don't think that is too much to ask from one parent out of a class of 15+ kids.

After the Dinosaur Safari I stayed with Joshua's class to enjoy music, snack and story time. Music time was a blast - and a hoot. The teachers are so good. The kids even learned the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language. Perhaps the most exciting part of music time was the parents swinging around boomerangs while singing a song about God's love - when you give it away it comes back, just like a boomerang. My favorite song of all had to be the "Days of the Week" song sung to the theme of The Adams Family. Good times.

Tonight our family will attend Zachary's Blue and Gold banquet for Cub Scouts. We went last year and it was a good time, although Ryan and Joshua got a little bored. I will be taking crayons and paper to keep them occupied, as usual. Zachary love Cub Scouts and is getting so much out of being a part of his den. I think he really likes doing something with his dad that the others aren't quite old enough for yet.

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