Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Post

I hear the new thing on the internet these days is mama blogs. So, I thought I would start one. I certainly have an entertaining life - to say the least. I am the mom of three boys. That, in and of itself, should say a lot. Life is never dull here.

Zachary is my oldest son. He just turned 8. He is doing work at a 2nd-3rd grade level in our homeschool, The Learners' School. He loves math. He likes computer games and Cub Scouts. His biggest joy right now is Pokemon. Oh, yeah - I should mention that he has an autism spectrum disorder. I suspect Asperger's Syndrome although we haven't gotten an official diagnosis yet. He is in speech therapy and will start occupation therapy soon. He is very high functioning but definitely has his challenges.

Ryan is the "monkey in the middle." He is 6. He attends a half-day kindergarten at our church in addition to being homeschooled. He is an excellent reader and prefers encyclopedias to stories. He loves science - animals, the human body, experiments...he'll do it all. He likes to build with Legos and play outside. We have had more than one slug in our house. He has asthma and allergies which have caused sinus problems. Allergy shots seem to have that under control.

Joshua is still my baby even though he is 4. He likes his preschool class and is making friends. He is truly all boy. He is rough and tumble and will make a good linebacker someday. Nothing slows him down. His spends his time playing with cars, Legos and his two stuffed friends...Fishie and Dalmation. He has problems with his ears and had some hearing loss when he was little. He needs a little help with his speech. I am hoping he will outgrow his ear problems.

I am married to a wonderful man, Chris. He is a great dad and the boys really look up to him. Right now he has a little extra time on his hands as the economy has hit him personally...he was laid off in January. Although he feels he needs to work, the boys have enjoyed having him around a little more.

Me? I am a full-time stay-at-home homeschooling mom. Besides that, I like scrapbooking and stamping. I love to read books with more words than pictures. Shopping is good, too. I really enjoy listening to music and praising God through song. I have a degree in psychology but dream of being a writer. I try to carve out time in my day for me but sometimes that doesn't happen. Somedays I am lucky if I get a shower by myself!! I do consider myself blessed.

That's an intro of my family. I can't wait to share our joys, tears, trials and triumphs with you. Feel free to ask questions or offer advice. Prayers are greatly appreciated, as well. I will do my best to keep this blog updated although sometimes life gets in the way of what I really want to do.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. I've been doing it for almost a year and it's been fun. If you check out my profile, you'll see I have several. :)
