The Learners' School has been in session for a few weeks now. It is going fairly well. Ryan is liking all of the science lessons and Zachary is going to be ready for advanced math before I know it!!! The curriculum is good - the boys are really learning a LOT! I'm learning a lot!! It is fun to see their faces when they learn something new.
Well, today *I* learned something new. I'm pretty sure the wording is not the correct translation from Hebrew. Zachary's Bible lessons this week have been centered on John 8:12 and how Jesus is the Light of the World. His science lessons have been on space - gravity, constellations, light years. Today we read from the book of Job (one of my favorites). We read from the Bible that came with Zachary's curriculum - the NIrV. In this version, Job 38:32 says that God commands the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper (very paraphrased from me). I found this odd. This evening Chris and I did some reading from other verions of the Bible (NLT, NIV, KJV) and found that each of those translations mentioned specifici constellations. I am not doubting the Bible or God. This is just something I have never noticed before.
Yesterday I met with a good friend who is now translating the Bible. He shared with me a book on Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Son of Solomon. He translated these scriptures from the Latin Old Testament. He gave me the book because I am struggling with life and my faith right now. The book of Job is a hard read but a good (and necessary) one. How wonderful it was to realize - just a few minutes ago - that I could read in this book Job 38:32 and find the translation from the Latin OT. It really helped to bring some clarity.
I am anxious to see what next week brings in our curriculum. I *know* what we will be studying but what will the boys be learning? It is always amazing what they learn - and sometimes it has absolutely nothing to do with what is written in the book we are reading or the paper we are doing. For those moments, I am truly - TRULY - thankful I have chosen to homeschool.
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