Saturday, June 6, 2009


We went to the movie "theatern" today to see Pixar's Up. It was a good movie but probably geared toward the older two. Joshua told me on more than one occasion that he was "freaked out" and climbed into my lap. It was a good movie for grown-ups, as well. Chris seemed to like the film and if I cry in a movie, then it is definitely a winner. The "short" before the feature was OK but I wasn't as impressed as I have been with past Pixar shorts. The kids thought it was hilarious and that is what matters to me.

After the movie we went to Costco. ALL of us went to Costco. I really like to do my shopping by myself but Chris wanted to go so he could sample the goodies. I was pleasantly surprised at the behavior of the boys. Usually they run wild. I guess there is something about the wide aisles, the tall ceilings and the concrete floor that makes them go nuts and lose their ability to listen. Today they did very well. I didn't even get any, "Please, pleeeeeaaaasseeee, can I have that?" or any random items thrown into the cart. They didn't get upset when they asked for something and I said no, either. I guess they are growing up!!

I feel bad for my boys tonight. They are covered in mosquito bites. Why I didn't have any repellent on hand before tonight I'll never know. I guess I just repressed the memory of mosqitoes being most prominent flying animal out this time of year in Texas. I don't remember having been bitten by any mosquitoes in Oregon but in the past two weeks I feel like I have been one walking mosquito chew toy. The boys will still play outside but they are miserable afterwards. I did buy repellent and some anti-itch medicine tonight. Bad, forgetful Mommy!

My wonderful husband made dinner tonight. He grilled steak and corn on the cob. He fixed baked potatoes. Yum. Chris loves to grill and I certainly don't mind eating what he prepares. I think meat always tastes better grilled. My Dad grilled a lot when I was growing up so I know that is why I like grilled food so much. While Chris is a very good griller, I still think my Dad is the "Grill Master."

Mama needs to go to bed. We are meeting my parents and sister for brunch tomorrow morning across town. I am hoping to get a little more unpacking, I'm not done yet...and maybe some laundry. However, the laundry is dependent on whether or not the washing machine will cooperate. It has been leaking water. I am hopeful it is because it is not level and that fixing the short "foot" will fix the problem. If not, I guess I'll find a nice river with some rocks.

My verse for the day: Jeremiah 29:11

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