Sunday, December 13, 2009

Has it really been THAT LONG since my last post?

Just when I think I've got it under control - life happens. Between illness, activities and school time has certainly gotten away from me. My goal for 2010 - better time management and better organization. Actually, ANY kind of time management and ANY kind of organization would be an improvement over what I have now, which is none of either. :)

We are plugging and chugging away with school. Although it is not necessary, my plan was to be about halfway through the curriculum by Christmas. We are pretty much on target. It really doesn't matter, though, because I think we will be doing school in the summer. We are not bound by an August (September?) through May schedule. We don't have to take certain holidays. I just wanted to make sure we were staying on track and getting the actual curriculum work done while we explored other educational opportunities. This goal also helps me with that pesky organization problem I deal with daily.

Zachary and Ryan are learning about the states in the order that they became states in the U.S. Zachary already knows most of this so part of his lesson is to help Ryan learn. Both are having a great time with their State Sheets and Cards. They get to read, write, color and use a sticker...great fun!! They also color in the state on a photocopy of the map. Zachary has decided to number the states in the order they ratified the Constitution. He knows where each state is located on the map and has already had to correct me. "No, Mom," he said. " That is not Georgia." He was right...I was one state over to the right.

Both boys continually amaze me with what they remember about the lessons. I can see improvement each day, even just with little things such as handwriting or math skills. I love that they ask when we are going to "do school" on the days that I am running behind or moving more slowly because I don't feel well. Ryan has enjoyed learning about Creation and is ready to put more in his Bible Notebook. Zachary is ready to move on in math. I think he'd like to skip straight to geometry but I think we'll start with 4th grade math.

Along with school we have been busy with other activities. Zachary and Ryan are very busy in Cub Scouts. There are den meetings, activities and pack meetings. This past week they wrapped Christmas presents from the Angel Tree the Pack sponsored and went caroling at a local nursing home and retirement center. This Tuesday, 12/15, is the Pack Meeting where they will get their Pinewood Derby cars. They both love Scouts.

Zachary and Ryan are starting basketball, too. They will play with Upward Basketball through our church. Ryan's first practice was last Tuesday and he was so proud when he made his first "hoop." Zachary starts on Monday, 12/14. I am looking forward to seeing them play in their games this spring.

All three boys were involved with the Christmas program through church. Zachary was in the musical "The Mystery of the Manger: The Gospel Truth" while Ryan and Joshua sang with Patch the Pirate Club Kid's Choir. Zachary had a small speaking part and a solo part in one of the songs. The performance was Sunday, 12/13. They all did a wonderful job and I am so proud of them. They can't wait for their next opportunity to perform.

Joshua - I haven't said too much about him, have I? He is doing very well in school. His kindergarten is working on 1st Grade Saxon math. He is reading short books all by himself. Each week he gets a worksheet with sentences and a worksheet with words to read to me (or Daddy) and have signed each night that he has worked on the page. Usually he will read both sheets without mistakes the first day. WOW!! It seems that Joshua is picking up reading as easily as his brothers. I am certainly thankful for that. He is not old enough to be in Scouts (but he hangs out with his brothers during their activities as much as possible) or play basketball but we are going to let him play a soccer this spring. He is already looking forward to being on the field.

Joshua will, more than likely, have to have tubes put in his ears again. He keeps telling me he can't hear. Ugh. Our current insurance plan has a high deductible and paying for appointments out of pocket can be difficult. I am thankful that we have insurance, though. I tried to make an appointment with an ENT last week but was not successful with that particular practice. They were not willing to work with us with what we would owe (payment plan) and would not allow me to make an appointment for this week after payday. We have had several medical bills in the past couple of months for Ryan's asthma and Zachary's fire ant allergy. Plus Christmas. So, I will call another ENT and make an appointment for after the first of the year when our insurance will be different. I plan to take him to the pediatrician to make sure there is no infection even though he says his ears do not hurt. With him you never know.

Well, I hope that has caught you up with the happenings of the Parrott family. We are knee-deep in preparations for Christmas. We are trying to teach our boys that it is not about the gifts, not about the tree, not about the food - it is about Jesus's birth so long ago. Thankfully, I am blessed with three beautiful boys who love Jesus and want to live for Him. It's pretty easy to center their hearts when the "greedies" hit.

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3 (NIV)